Live in Color

Dress: Anthropologie (similar). Shoes: Calvin Klein via T.J. Maxx (similar). Bag: Vintage. Bracelet: Nordstrom (similar). Earrings: Anthropologie (similar). Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

Makeup by Tim Quinn of Giorgio Armani Beauty.

I got the pleasure of watching all of my efforts at my new job culminate into a spectacular event. Nothing was more fun or rewarding than seeing it all pay off in the end, and it reminds me why I love working in magazines so much.

Two years ago I was struggling in New York, trying to find a job and make my savings last until I could find one. I found it, in the end, and it actually led me right back to Florida.

Traveling back down definitely had it's fair share of naysayers, but I'm not one to stop when I have a hunch. In the end, I was right. I live in the best town with the best roommate, I'm with my perfect person, I have friends and family around me and I now have an amazing career where I feel fulfilled.

My advice? Don't listen to the critics. Follow your gut, it will lead you exactly where you need to go.


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